Exciting News!! The Fling is about to take flight in a NEW way!

It's what you've all been waiting for! The date for the 2019 Flamingo Fling has been set and we are excited to announce some that your all your favorite things about the Fling will remain the same, but there are some new things that are sure to tickle your feathers!
1st NEW thing... the date has changed!
This yea'r Flamingo Fling will be held on Friday, May 3, 2019 so that we can fully enjoy the evening. What a great start to a weekend!
2nd NEW thing...the location has moved!
We are excited to host this year's event at Mi Dahs Well Hall in Deckerville. This will allow for more ladies to join our pink feathered frenzy as well as allow for extra space for you to mingle and look at all of those fine auction items.
All of the other things you have grown to love about the Flamingo Fling will remain the same...
Oh WAIT! There is one more thing.
You can now register ONLINE!
Click here to register yourself for this year's event before tickets sell out.
There are only 200 seats available and we anticipate that they will go fast!
If you have any additional questions, would like to donate a raffle item, or become a sponsor. Please Contact Sherri at: 810-648-5463
We look forward to seeing you all at our biggest fundraising event of the year!